Uncover & Read Lebanese Literary Gems
Exclusive Resource | The Inventory of All Books Written in Lebanese
This Inventory is a collection of more than 140 books organized in five different sections: Proverbs and Fragments; Poetry and Zajal; Reference & Studies; Plays; Novels & Stories. (last updated in October 2023)
Excerpts from classic and contemporary Lebanese literature, with audio narration.
Ye Sette - Ḳaiṭ ṣṣala (2005) - Kitébet: Jórj YAMMÍN
L Amír Zzġír (1986) - Kitébet: Antoine DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY - Tarjamet: Morís ƸEWWED
Ever wondered what is the oldest "commercially published" Lebanese book?
So far, it seems to be Ḥadís Ƹrandes (1936), and our team has read it and reviewed it for you. But we still encourage you to find it and read it by yourself. / Book review written in Lebanese.
Are there authors and artists already using the Lebanese writing system and alphabet?
Yes! One author and one singer have already used the alphabet in their projects. Those projects are not directly affiliated with the Kelme initiatives but have used the writing system proposed to complete and present their works. It is also used by instructors teaching Lebanese (and often other similar Semitic dialects) to native and non-native speakers. (last updated in October 2023)
There's another author, and their story was posted exclusively on our website!
By Dr. Mounira Abi Zeid: Ana l mara lleġa, jesme betfúḥ menno ríḥet l arḍ w l fwéke w l ġyúm. L ġyúm ƹendon ríḥa? Fik tčemma eza rekkazet mníḥ ente w meṭṭallaƹ b sama Lebnén, laɂanno b kell balad btetġayyar ríḥet l ġaim w btetbaddal. Čemma! Rakkiz! Ṭír! Jesme ḥelo...